
JavaScript bindings for prqlc.


npm install prqlc


Currently these functions are exposed

function compile(prql_query: string, options?: CompileOptions): string;

function prql_to_pl(prql_query: string): string;

function pl_to_prql(pl_json: string): string;

function pl_to_rq(pl_json: string): string;

function rq_to_sql(rq_json: string): string;

From Node.js

Direct usage

const prqlc = require("prqlc");

const sql = prqlc.compile(`from employees | select first_name`);


const opts = new prqlc.CompileOptions(); = "sql.mssql";
opts.format = false;
opts.signature_comment = false;

const sql = prqlc.compile(`from employees | take 10`, opts);

Template literal

const prqlc = require("prqlc");
const prql = (string) => prqlc.compile(string[0] || "");

const sql = prql`from employees | select first_name`;

Template literal with newlines

const prqlc = require("prqlc");
const prql = (string) => prqlc.compile(string[0] || "");

const sql = prql`
    from employees
    select first_name

From a browser

    <script type="module">
      import init, { compile } from "./dist/web/prql_js.js";
      await init();

      const sql = compile("from employees | select first_name");


From a framework or a bundler

import compile from "prqlc/dist/bundler";

const sql = compile(`from employees | select first_name`);


Errors are returned as following object, serialized as a JSON array:

interface ErrorMessage {
  /// Message kind. Currently only Error is implemented.
  kind: "Error" | "Warning" | "Lint";
  /// Machine-readable identifier of the error
  code: string | null;
  /// Plain text of the error
  reason: string;
  /// A list of suggestions of how to fix the error
  hint: string | null;
  /// Character offset of error origin within a source file
  span: [number, number] | null;

  /// Annotated code, containing cause and hints.
  display: string | null;
  /// Line and column number of error origin within a source file
  location: SourceLocation | null;

/// Location within the source file.
/// Tuples contain:
/// - line number (0-based),
/// - column number within that line (0-based),
interface SourceLocation {
  start: [number, number];

  end: [number, number];

These errors can be caught as such:

try {
  const sql = prqlJs.compile(`from employees | foo first_name`);
} catch (error) {
  const errorMessages = JSON.parse(error.message).inner;




npm run build

This builds Node, bundler and web packages in the dist path.


npm test

By default the wasm binaries are optimized on each run, even if the underlying code hasn’t changed, which can be slow. For a lower-latency dev loop, pass --profile=dev to npm install for a faster, less optimized build.

npm install prqlc --profile=dev


  • This uses wasm-pack to generate bindings1.
  • We’ve added an npm layer on top of the usual approach of just using wasm-pack, so we can distribute a single package with targets of node, bundler and no-modules — somewhat inverting the approach recommended by wasm-pack. The build instruction goes in a build script, rather than a pack script.
Though we would be very open to other approaches, given wasm-pack does not
seem maintained, and we're eliding many of its features to build for three
targets. See <> for more details.